
Pyramidal products

Pyramid Researchers and Builders.

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All our products represent a permanent, effective and inexorable antirheumatic treatment, without undesirable side effects. Therefore, many diseases heal or can't incur using pyramidal beds or houses.

The Perfect Pyramid is of extraordinary utility, but its construction should be with complete knowledge. We are pioneers in this subject, with practical research since 1973, and as international consultant Piramicasa, since 2001. You can trust Piramicasa.

"All our products have tested successfully; thousands of users around the world enjoy their health effects and their great comfort. Fully guaranteed in their effects."


Pyramid bed



Hygia & Horus

Hygia & Horus

Pyramid Sekhmet

Pyramid Sekhmet

Pyramid Bastet

Pyramid Bastet

Pyramid Vital

Pyramid Vital

Pyramid for the Garden

Pyramid Garden

Pyramid for Pets

Pyramid Pets

Pyramid Ambassador

Pyramid faraday

Pyramids Gibur X2

Pyramids Gibur

Pyramids Gize X4

Pyramids Gize



Piramicasa's Professional Team and the Osiris Group neither have relation nor propitiate mystical matters nor prophetic, religious, political or pseudo esoteric.
Our aims are purely scientific and to the margin of the activities or the particular beliefs of its executives, partners and clients.
